1-2  中国主要指标居世界的位次
Ranking Position of China for Major Indicators
Data sources: FAO Database; UNSD Database; World Bank Database; IMF Database;UNDP Human Development Report 2007.        
    Indicator 1978 1980 1990 2000 2004 2005 2006
 国土面积  Area of Country Soil 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
    Population 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 出生时的预期寿命①  Life Expectancy at Birth 75(169) 77(173) 83(186) 88(190) 87(213) 86(216)  
 国内生产总值(美元)  Gross Domestic Product (USD) 10 11 11 6 6 4 4
 人均国民总收入(美元)①  GNI per capita (USD) 175(188) 177(188) 178(200) 141(207) 132(208) 128(208) 129(209)
 进出口贸易总额(美元)  Foreign Trade Total (USD) 27 25 16 8 3 3 3
   出口额    Exports 28 28 14 7 3 3 3
   进口额    Imports 27 22 17 9 3 3 3
 外商直接投资(美元)  Foreign Direct Investment   60 12 9 2 3 5
     Inflow (USD)              
 外汇储备(美元)  Foreign Exchange Reserves(USD) 40 37 7 2 2 2 1
 人文发展指数①  Human Development Index     79(160) 96(173) 81(177) 81(177)  
Note: The number in the parentheses indicates the number of countries or territories the order based on.Data refer to 1977.