6-2  就业人数
SourceInternational Labour Organization Database.
单位:万人 (10 000 persons)
国家和地区 Country or Area 1990 2000 2003 2004 2005 2006
       China                63909 72085 74432 75200 75825 76400
    (64749) (72085) (74432) (75200) (75825) (76400)
 中国香港①   Hong Kong, China 271 321 320 328 334 341
 孟加拉国   Bangladesh                    5176 4432
 柬 埔 寨②   Cambodia 528 656
       India 36897
 印度尼西亚   Indonesia                   7585 8984 9078 9372 9495 9518
     朗②   Iran 1976
 以 色 列①   Israel 149.2| 222 233 240 249 257
       Japan                          6249 6446 6316 6329 6356 6382
 哈萨克斯坦   Kazakhstan 699 718
     国①   Korea, Rep.               1809 2116 2214 2256 2286 2315
       Laos 274
 马来西亚①③   Malaysia①③                  669 932 987 998 1005 1028
     古④   Mongolia 81 93 95 97
     甸①    Myanmar 1522
 巴基斯坦①②   Pakistan①②                   2980 3685 3985 4201 4292 4695
 菲 律 宾①   Philippines                 2253 2778 3155 3174 3288 3319
 新 加 坡   Singapore                   161 163 | 180
 斯里兰卡   Sri Lanka 596 631②⑤ 694②⑤ 730②⑥ 679 709
     国①   Thailand                      3084 3300 3468 3571 3630 3634
       Vietnam 3837 4118 4232
     及③   Egypt                      1436 1720 1812 1872 1934
       South Africa 1224 1142 1164 1230 1280
 加 拿 大①   Canada                    1317 1476 1567 1595 1617 1648
 墨 西 哥⑨   Mexico                   3820 3950 4098| 4079 4220
     国①④   United States①④            11879| 13521 13774 13925 14173 14443
 阿 根 廷②⑩   Argentina                     437 826| 896 941 964| 1004
     西②   Brazil                        6210| 8016 8460
 委内瑞拉①   Venezuela 640 882 1004 1122
 白俄罗斯   Belarus 515 444 434 432 435 440
       Czech Republic 473 473 471 476 483
       France                       2326 2469 2478 2492
       Germany              3660 3617 3566| 3657 3732
 意 大 利   Italy                         2145 2123 2213| 2240 2256 2299
       Netherlands 636| 773 783 778 778
       Poland                       1453 1362 1380 1412 1459
 俄罗斯联邦   Russian Fed. 6507 6643 6728 6817 6883
 西 班 牙④   Spain 1258 1551 1730 1797| 1897 1975
 土 耳 其①   Turkey                        1995 2158 2115 2179 2205 2233
 乌 克 兰   Ukraine 2018 2016 2030 2068 2073
     国④   United Kingdom               2694 2779 2782 2801 2817
 澳大利亚①   Australia                   784 895 946 964 996 1015
 新 西 兰①   New Zealand 148| 178 192 202 207 212
Note: ①Excluding armed forces. ②Persons aged 10 years and above. ③Persons aged 15 to 64 years. ④Persons aged 16 year and above.
      ⑤Excluding Northern and Eastern provinces. ⑥Excluding Northern provinces. ⑦Persons aged 13 years and above. ⑧Persons aged
      12 to 64 years. ⑨Persons aged 14 years and above. ⑩Urban areas. Excluding employment in some rural areas. Persons aged
      15 to 72 years. Persons aged 12 years and above. Persons aged 15 to 70 years.