6-5  失业人数
SourceInternational Labour Organization Database.
单位:万人 (10 000 persons)
国家和地区 Country or Area 1990 2000 2003 2004 2005 2006
     国①  China 383.2 595.0 800.0 827.0 839.0
    (383.2) (595.0) (800.0) (827.0) (839.0) (847.0)
 中国香港  Hong Kong, China 3.7 16.7 27.5 23.9 19.7 17.1
 孟加拉国  Bangladesh 175.0 200.2
     莱②  Brunei Darussalam 0.7 0.7
 柬 埔 寨③  Cambodia 13.4 50.3
      India 1663.4
 印度尼西亚  Indonesia 195.2 581.3 953.1 1025.1 1085.4 1110.5
     朗④  Iran 255.6
 以 色 列  Israel 15.8| 21.4 28.0 27.8 24.6 23.6
      Japan 134.0 319.0 350.0 313.0 294.0 275.0
 哈萨克斯坦  Kazakhstan 67.2 65.9
      Korea, Rep. 45.4 97.9 81.8 86.0 88.7 82.7
      Laos 3.8
 马来西亚⑤  Malaysia 31.5 28.7 37.0
     古⑥⑦  Mongolia⑥⑦ 3.9 3.3 3.6 3.3
     甸⑦⑧  Myanmar⑦⑧ 55.5 38.2 32.7 29.1 19.0
 巴基斯坦④  Pakistan 96.3 312.7 359.4 349.9 356.6 310.3
 菲 律 宾  Philippines 199.3 313.3 356.7 388.8| 261.9 262.0
 新 加 坡  Singapore 10.1 10.1 8.4
 斯里兰卡⑨  Sri Lanka 100.5 54.6 70.0 67.9 52.4 49.8
      Thailand 71.0 81.3 54.4 54.9 49.6 45.0
      Viet Nam 88.6 94.9 92.6
     及①⑤  Egypt①⑤ 134.6 169.8 224.1 215.4 245.0
 尼日利亚⑦  Nigeria 5.7
      South Africa 416.2 443.4 413.5 448.7 439.1
 加 拿 大  Canada 116.4| 108.3 128.6 123.5 117.3 110.8
 墨 西 哥  Mexico 100.3 120.4 155.6| 148.3 137.8
     国⑥  United States 704.7 565.5 877.4 814.9 759.1 700.1
 阿 根 廷①④  Argentina①④ 33.2 146.1| 163.3 136.2 114.1 104.9
     西①④  Brazil①④ 236.7| 864.0 826.4
 委内瑞拉  Venezuela 74.3 142.4 115.5
 白俄罗斯⑦  Belarus 9.6 13.6 8.3 6.8 5.2
      Czech Republic 45.5 39.9 42.6 41.0 37.1
      France 260.4 268.2 273.4 271.7
      Germany 312.7 402.3 438.8| 458.3 427.9
 意 大 利  Italy 262.1 249.5 209.6| 196.0 188.9 167.3
     兰⑤  Netherlands 51.6| 23.1 35.7 41.9 43.0
      Poland 278.5 332.9 323.0 304.5 234.4
 俄罗斯联邦  Russian Fed. 770.0 595.9 567.5 526.3 531.2
 西 班 牙⑥  Spain 244.1| 249.6 224.2 221.4 191.3 183.7
 土 耳 其  Turkey 161.5 149.7 249.3 249.8 251.9 244.6
 乌 克 兰  Ukraine 265.6 200.8 190.7 160.1 151.5
     国⑥  United Kingdom 197.4 161.9 141.4 136.1 135.2
 澳大利亚  Australia 58.5 60.8 60.7 57.1 53.5 52.6
 新 西 兰  New Zealand 12.5 11.3 9.4 8.2 7.9 8.3
Note: Unemployment persons in urban areas. Work applicants. Persons of 2000 aged 10 years and above, persons of 2004 aged 7 years and above.
           Persons aged 10 years and above. Persons aged 15 to 64 years. Persons aged 16 years and above. Registered unemployment. Persons aged
           18 years and above. From 2000 to 2004,excluding Northern province;from 2005,excluding Northern and Eastern provinces. Persons aged 13 and
           above. Persons aged 12 to 64 years. Persons aged 15 to 65 years. Persons aged 14 and above. Men aged 16 to 59 years, women aged 16 to 54
           years. Persons of 2003 to 2006 aged 15 to 74 years. Persons aged 15 to 72 years. Persons aged 12 and above. Persons aged 15 to 70 years.