6-7  非农部门雇员平均工资
Average Wages of Employees in Non-Agriculture
SourceInternational Labour Organization Database.
单位:本币 (local currency unit)
国家和地区 Country or Area 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
每月工资 Wages Per Month
 以 色 列   Israel 7199.0 7020.0| 7190.0 7373.0 7627.0
     本①   Japan 302.2 302.6 302.1
     国①   Korea, Rep.                   1668.0 1948.0 2127.4 2254.9 2404.4 2541.9
     古①   Mongolia 58.2 70.6 80.9 91.8 103.3
       South Africa 4990.0 6055.0
     西   Brazil                        785.6 905.8
 墨 西 哥   Mexico                   3127.7 3746.3 3991.3 4047.1 4404.8 4697.1
 白俄罗斯   Belarus 94.0 238.0 320.0 458.0 592.0 701.0
       Czech Republic 13040.0 15153.0 16106.0 17168.0 17985.0
       France                       1402.3 1500.6
     兰⑤   Netherlands                        5236.0 2632.0 2721.0 2800.0 2846.0
       Poland                       1896.8 2099.9 2187.6 2275.3 2362.3
 俄 罗 斯   Russian Fed. 2358.0 4595.0 5770.0 7027.0 8907.0 11010.0
 乌 克 兰   Ukraine 257.1 411.9 499.4 625.5 847.7 1086.1
每周工资 Wages Per Week
     及②   Egypt 163.0 164.0 175.0 188.0
每日工资 Wages Per Day
 菲 律 宾③   Philippines 254.4 253.0 262.2 276.9 298.7
每小时工资 Wages Per Hour
 斯里兰卡②⑥   Sri Lanka②⑥  24.3 29.8 31.0 34.6 36.1
 加 拿 大②④   Canada②④ 16.5 17.1 17.2 17.7 18.1 18.5
     国②   United States 13.8 14.8
 西 班 牙④   Spain 9.5 10.2 10.7 11.1 11.4 11.9
     国④   United Kingdom 10.8 12.0 12.4 12.6 13.2 13.7
 澳大利亚   Australia 19.9 21.4 22.5 25.7
 新 西 兰⑦   New Zealand 17.7 18.8 19.5 20.2 20.6
Note:Figures in thousands.Wage earners.Wage rates per day.Including overtime payments.Excluding overtime payments.Excluding
         "Electricity, Gas and Water","Financing,Insurance,Real Estate and Business Services" and "Community,Social and Personal Services".Excluding