6-10  罢工和停工(2005年)
Strikes and Lockouts(2005)
SourceInternational Labour Organization Database.
国家和地区 Country or Area   罢工和停工次数(次) 罢工和停工人数(人)
Year Strikes and Lockouts Workers Involved
(number) (person)
 中国香港①②   Hong Kong, China①② 2006 3 67
 柬 埔 寨②   Cambodia 2001 95 38558
     度③   India 2006 460 1809424
 以 色 列④   Israel 2006 35 125730
     本②⑤   Japan②⑤                          2005 50 4119
     国②   Korea, Rep.                 2006 138 131359
 马来西亚②⑥   Malaysia②⑥                   2002 4 506
       Myanmar 2005 4 1250
 巴基斯坦   Pakistan                     2003 17 1263
 菲 律 宾②⑦   Philippines②⑦                   2006 12 1415
 斯里兰卡⑧⑨   Sri Lanka⑧⑨ 2006 52 209804
       Thailand                      2005 9 2578
     及②   Egypt                        2003 4 1046
 尼日利亚②   Nigeria 2004 36 127377
     非②   South Africa 2006 99 250787
 加 拿 大②⑩   Canada②⑩                      2006 150 41484
 墨 西 哥⑥   Mexico                  2006 55 59788
       United States            2006 23 73500
 阿 根 廷   Argentina                     2006 774 1185076
     西⑥   Brazil                        2004 304 1289332
 委内瑞拉⑥   Venezuela 2002 35
       France                       2004 699 60355
     国②   Germany 2006 168723
 意 大 利   Italy                         2006 549 417249
       Netherlands 2006 31 11300
       Poland                       2006 27 24647
 俄罗斯联邦   Russian Fed. 2006 8 1193
 西 班 牙   Spain 2006 783 499551
 土 耳 其⑥   Turkey                        2006 26 2061
 乌 克 兰   Ukraine 2006 13 2266
     国⑨   United Kingdom               2006 158 713300
 澳大利亚④   Australia                   2006 222 122700
 新 西 兰   New Zealand 2005 60 17752
Note: Including stoppages involving fewer than 10 workers or lasting less than one day;excluding government sector. Excluding workers indirectly
           involved. Excluding political and sympathetic strikes,excluding work stoppages involving fewer than 10 workers. Excluding work stoppages 
           lasting less than 10 workdays not worked. Excluding work stoppages lasting less than half a day. Strikes only. Excluding work stoppages lasting 
           less than a full day or shift. Excluding work stoppages involving fewer than 5 workers;including stoppages lasting less than one day if more than 50 
           workdays not worked. Including political strikes. Strikes lasting at least half a day with more than 10 days not worked. Excluding work stoppages 
           involving fewer than 1000 workers and lasting less than a full day or shift. Including work stoppages lasting less than one day if more than 100 
           workdays not worked;excluding public administration. Excluding  work stoppages lasting less than one day. Including stoppages involving fewer 
           than 10 workers or lasting less than one day if 100 or more workdays not worked. Excluding work stoppages less than 5 workdays not worked.