11-1  按行业分的世界工业生产指数
World Industrial Production Indices by Branches of Industry
Source: Database of UN Monthly Bulletin of Statistics.
2000年=100 (2000=100)
    权数 2003 2004 2005 2006
 世界  World
 工业  Industry 100 100.4 104.5 107.7 112.9
   采掘业    Minging 10.4 102.0 105.4 106.3 108.4
     煤炭      Coal 0.8 106.1 110.3 119.5 124.7
     原油、天然气      Crude Petroleum and Natrual Gas 8.0 101.6 105.0 105.5 107.5
     金属矿      Metals Ores 1.0 101.2 103.2 103.1 105.1
 制造业    Manufacturing 80.1 99.4 103.8 107.2 113.2
     食品、饮料烟草      Food, Beverages Tobacco 9.4 103.8 106.1 109.5 113.1
     纺织      Texitiles 2.3 90.3 90.9 89.8 90.4
     服装、皮革和制鞋      Wearing Apparel,Leather and Footwear 2.2 80.3 78.3 74.0 75.9
     木制品      Wood and Wood Products 1.5 97.6 101.2 102.6 101.6
     造纸、出版、印刷及录音介质      Paper, Printing, Publishing and Recorded Media 7.6 94.1 95.6 96.3 96.9
     化学、石油、塑料、橡胶制品      Chemicals,Petroleum,Plastic and Rubber Products 13.3 105.2 109.3 112.8 116.7
     非金属矿制品      Non-Metallic Mineral Products 3.3 99.6 102.4 105.3 110.2
     基本金属      Basic Metals 4.0 102.0 107.9 108.5 114.5
     金属及机械制造      Fabricated Metal Products and Machinery 11.2 95.0 100.1 102.7 108.8
     办公机械、计算机、收音机、      Office, Computing,Radio, TV and Other  12.6 99.3 108.5 116.2 133.2
       电视及其他电子设备          Electrical Equipment
     运输设备      Transport Equipment 8.2 105.7 111.2 116.7 123.2
   电、煤气和水    Electricity, Gas and Water 9.6 106.6 109.8 113.1 115.0
 发达国家  Developed Countries
 工业  Industry 100.0 98.1 100.6 102.9 107.0
   采掘业    Minging 5.9 97.0 96.0 94.7 94.3
     煤炭      Coal 0.4 97.5 98.4 98.7 100.2
     原油、天然气      Crude Petroleum and Natrual Gas 4.2 98.3 96.7 93.9 93.0
     金属矿      Metals Ores 0.8 84.6 83.8 88.1 88.4
   制造业    Manufacturing 84.6 97.4 100.3 102.7 107.6
     食品、饮料和烟草      Food, Beverages Tobacco 8.5 102.3 102.8 104.5 106.1
     纺织      Texitiles 1.6 85.8 83.0 80.4 78.0
     服装、皮革和制鞋      Wearing Apparel,Leather and Footwear 1.8 72.6 66.4 61.3 60.0
     木制品      Wood and Wood Products 1.7 96.2 99.4 101.9 101.3
     造纸、出版、印刷及录音介质      Paper, Printing, Publishing and Recorded Media 9.5 93.3 94.3 94.7 94.8
     化学、石油、塑料和橡胶制品      Chemicals,Petroleum,Plastic and Rubber Products 13.0 104.2 106.7 108.4 110.3
     非金属矿制品      Non-Metallic Mineral Products 3.0 95.4 97.0 98.0 100.3
     基本金属      Basic Metals 3.7 97.3 102.0 101.1 104.7
     金属及机械制造      Fabricated Metal Products and Machinery, n.e.c. 12.9 92.8 96.0 99.0 104.3
     办公机械、计算机、收音机、      Office, Computing,Radio, TV and Other  14.3 97.9 106.1 113.4 130.4
       电视及其他电子设备           Electrical Equipment
     运输设备      Transport Equipment 9.5 103.1 106.2 109.1 113.7
   电、煤气和水    Electricity, Gas and Water 9.5 104.7 106.6 109.1 109.8
 发展中国家 Developing Countries
 工业 Industry 100.0 106.3 114.5 119.9 127.6
   采掘业   Minging 21.6 105.5 112.0 114.3 118.2
     煤炭     Coal 1.6 112.0 118.4 133.6 141.3
     石油、天然气     Crude Petroleum and Natrual Gas 17.5 103.6 110.0 112.6 116.3
     金属矿     Metals Ores 1.4 124.9 130.7 124.6 129.0
   制造业   Manufacturing 68.6 105.8 114.8 121.2 130.5
     食品、饮料和烟草     Food, Beverages Tobacco 11.8 106.6 112.1 118.4 126.0
     纺织     Texitiles 4.2 94.5 98.4 98.7 102.4
     服装、皮革和制鞋     Wearing Apparel,Leather and Footwear 3.2 91.5 95.7 92.5 99.2
     木制品     Wood and Wood Products 1.1 102.8 108.3 105.6 102.8
     造纸、出版、印刷及录音介质     Paper, Printing, Publishing and Recorded Media 2.7 101.0 107.2 110.7 115.6
     化学、石油、塑料和橡胶制品     Chemicals,Petroleum,Plastic and Rubber Products 14.2 107.6 115.3 123.2 131.8
     非金属矿制品     Non-Metallic Mineral Products 4.0 107.6 112.6 119.2 129.1
     基本金属     Basic Metals 4.7 111.4 119.7 123.4 134.1
     金属及机械制造     Fabricated Metal Products and Machinery, N.E.C. 7.1 105.4 118.9 119.9 129.7
     办公机械、计算机、收音机、     Office, Computing,Radio, TV and Other  8.1 105.3 119.0 129.0 146.0
       电视及其他电子设备        Electrical Equipment
     运输设备      Transport Equipment 4.9 118.3 135.7 153.8 169.4
   电、煤气和水   Electricity, Gas and Water 9.8 111.3 117.6 122.9 127.7