13-12  世界主要货物出口占全部货物出口的比重 续表1 (发达国家)
Main Commodity Exports of the World as Percentage of All Products Exports continued (Developed Countries)
Source:UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics.
单位:%             (%)
商品组代码及含义 Group Code and Description 1995 2005
出口额 占全部货 占世界 出口额 占全部货 占世界
(亿美元) 物出口的比重   (亿美元) 物出口的比重  
Export Value Percentage Percentage Export Value Percentage Percentage
(100 million USD) of Total of World (100 million USD) of Total of World
  发达国家 Developed Countries
  全部商品 All commodities 35157.31 100.00 69.61 61551.18 100.00 60.05
001 活动物,不包括水产品 Live animal excluding fishery 81.03 0.23 77.92 101.05 0.16 79.61
011 牛肉,新鲜、急冻或冷藏 Beef, fresh, chilled, frozen 138.95 0.40 87.67 152.77 0.25 71.59
012 肉,新鲜、急冻或冷藏 Meat nes, fresh chilled frozen 191.24 0.54 79.19 314.11 0.51 80.82
016 腌制肉杂碎 Meat offal preserved 15.98 0.05 97.40 24.78 0.04 98.03
017 腌制的肉杂碎 Meat offal preserved nes 43.51 0.12 74.11 66.71 0.11 63.99
022 奶制品,不包括黄油和奶酪 Milk products, excluding butter & cheese 142.69 0.41 92.44 184.90 0.30 85.72
023 黄油 Butter 38.05 0.11 94.98 39.21 0.06 93.58
024 乳酪 (芝士) 及凝乳 Cheese and curd 108.25 0.31 97.83 157.71 0.26 93.08
025 蛋,蛋黄,蛋清 Eggs, yolks and albumin 11.99 0.03 83.38 17.45 0.03 80.54
034 鱼,新鲜、急冻或冷藏   Fish, fresh, chilled, frozen 116.54 0.33 61.34 197.10 0.32 58.71
035 鱼(干、腌、熏) Fish salted, dried, smoked 20.84 0.06 75.28 27.03 0.04 74.08
036 水产品,仅包括甲壳类、软体动物 Crustacean mollusc aquat invertebra 50.66 0.14 30.85 74.91 0.12 38.35
037 其它鱼类加工制品 Fish etc prepd, prsrvd nes 38.52 0.11 43.90 53.00 0.09 35.89
041 小麦,未碾磨 Wheat etc, unmilled 152.62 0.43 88.11 136.13 0.22 76.59
042 稻谷 Rice 22.38 0.06 29.96 22.62 0.04 24.61
043 大麦,未碾磨 Barley, unmilled 24.71 0.07 88.63 27.57 0.04 75.30
044 玉米,未碾磨(不含爆米花) Maize unmilled, excluding sweet corn 96.56 0.27 88.47 74.74 0.12 66.77
045 除小麦、稻米、大麦、玉米之外的谷物 Grain, excluding wheat rice barley maize 15.36 0.04 88.64 13.63 0.02 86.98
046 面粉及面食 Wheat etc, meal or flour 19.62 0.06 69.87 12.33 0.02 49.77
048 谷物制品 Cereal etc preparations 107.82 0.31 85.20 205.77 0.33 83.69
054 新鲜蔬菜,蔬菜制品 Vegetable & vegetable products nes 140.06 0.40 66.97 207.00 0.34 64.36
056 根茎类蔬菜 Vegetables roots tubers nes 74.70 0.21 69.43 109.50 0.18 69.08
057 水果和坚果,鲜的或干的 Fruit, nuts, fresh, dried 154.18 0.44 58.08 257.86 0.42 56.08
058 果酱或水果制品,不包括果汁 Fruit preserve preparation excluding juice 37.10 0.11 61.25 51.72 0.08 51.61
059 果汁、蔬菜汁 Fruit & vegetable juice unferment 35.14 0.10 59.66 52.11 0.08 59.13
061 糖及蜜糖 Sugar, mollasses and honey 71.04 0.20 45.20 70.62 0.11 41.06
062 糖果 Sugar confectionery 30.67 0.09 68.47 41.88 0.07 63.52
071 咖啡及咖啡代替品 Coffee and substitutes 33.90 0.10 21.80 55.63 0.09 35.15
072 可可 Cocoa 16.72 0.05 32.06 30.09 0.05 35.64
073 巧克力及其它配制食品  Chocolate and products 73.79 0.21 92.39 103.87 0.17 84.51
074 Tea and mate 5.76 0.02 23.02 10.01 0.02 24.30
081 动物饲料 Feeding stuff for animals 132.01 0.38 64.36 176.54 0.29 58.14
091 人造黄油 Margarine and shortening 12.20 0.03 73.63 18.15 0.03 66.82
098 其它可食用品 Edible products, preps nes 144.69 0.41 82.89 250.73 0.41 77.75
111 无酒精饮料 Non alcoholic beverages nes 34.48 0.10 76.62 82.19 0.13 78.20
112 酒精饮料 Alcoholic beverages 239.91 0.68 86.65 377.19 0.61 82.68
121 未制成的烟草;烟草废料 Tobacco, unmanufactd, refuse 24.14 0.07 46.16 25.06 0.04 35.39
122 制成的烟草 Tobacco, manufactured 135.64 0.39 71.63 133.72 0.22 75.45
211 兽皮 (未加工的毛皮除外) Hides skins, exc furs, raw 48.00 0.14 80.58 44.71 0.07 79.36
212 未加工的毛皮 Raw furskins and furskin pieces 10.39 0.03 82.47 16.95 0.03 74.56
222 生产轻质油的油籽 Seeds for soft fixed oils 86.89 0.25 70.98 105.90 0.17 49.72
223 生产非轻质油的油籽 Oil seed for non soft oil 4.12 0.01 57.35 10.07 0.02 70.93
232 合成、回收的废旧橡胶 Synthetic & reclaimed rubber; waste 43.82 0.12 74.55 78.43 0.13 65.82
246 木屑、刨花、废木 Wood chips, particles and waste 14.49 0.04 69.03 18.19 0.03 63.05
247 原木或略成方形 Other wood rough, squared 51.54 0.15 55.75 48.39 0.08 45.44
248 简单加工的木材及铁路枕木 Wood simply worked, railway sleeper 202.04 0.57 77.10 247.11 0.40 70.62
251 浆及纸废料 Pulp and waste paper 225.43 0.64 82.09 195.65 0.32 75.89
263 Cotton 51.29 0.15 46.75 54.42 0.09 47.75
266 适合纺织用的合成纤维 Synthetic fibres for spinning 27.34 0.08 46.25 24.00 0.04 40.84
267 纺织用的人造纤维;废品 Man made fibre for spinning; waste 25.41 0.07 85.54 25.70 0.04 79.03
268 羊毛及其它动物毛 Wool & animal hair, incl wool tops 53.19 0.15 73.80 33.58 0.05 68.54
269 旧衣,纺织物,碎布 Worn clothing, textile article; rag 11.87 0.03 79.12 15.20 0.02 75.42
273 石、沙及砾石 Stone, sand and gravel 26.61 0.08 72.18 37.19 0.06 62.34
278 其它未加工的矿产 Other crude minerals 49.90 0.14 67.13 64.79 0.11 61.94
281 铁矿砂及其精矿 Iron ore and concentrates 36.81 0.10 42.88 116.07 0.19 41.92
282 钢铁废料 Iron and steel scrap 66.39 0.19 84.34 178.09 0.29 74.98
283 铜矿石及浓缩物 Copper ores and concentrates 18.11 0.05 26.43 35.25 0.06 20.48
284 镍矿石,精 Nickel ores, concentrates, etc 11.39 0.03 55.81 30.76 0.05 49.90
285 铝矿中的精氧化铝 Aluminium ore concentrate alumina 30.52 0.09 58.37 59.95 0.10 56.57
287 贱金属矿及其精矿 Base metals ores, conc nes 29.91 0.09 51.19 73.91 0.12 40.95
288 有色金属废料 Non-ferrous metal scrap nes 67.50 0.19 73.38 131.14 0.21 73.15
289 金属精矿,金除外 Prec metal ore concentrate excluding gold 8.66 0.02 70.73 24.90 0.04 53.77
291 未加工的动物材料 Crude animal materials nes 20.82 0.06 56.75 30.64 0.05 60.54
292 未加工的植物材料 Crude vegetb materials nes 108.71 0.31 72.38 164.59 0.27 73.42
321 煤炭 Coal excluding non-agglomomerated 129.33 0.37 69.03 259.13 0.42 56.48
322 煤砖、褐煤及泥煤 Coal, lignite and peat 8.30 0.02 92.33 9.09 0.01 92.19
325 焦炭 Coke, semi coke, retort carbon 14.23 0.04 61.31 27.38 0.04 43.44
333 原油 Crude petroleum 349.03 0.99 16.95 1053.06 1.71 14.23
334 重油 Heavy petroleum & bituminous oil 392.07 1.12 42.55 1494.25 2.43 40.67
335 石油产品渣滓 Residual petroleum prdts nes 45.72 0.13 75.70 112.43 0.18 63.73
342 液态丙烷和丁烷 Liquefied propane and butane 27.99 0.08 48.30 84.94 0.14 33.89
343 天然气 Natural gas, liquefied or not 117.17 0.33 33.71 720.32 1.17 57.80
344 石油气 Petroleum and hydrocarbon gas nes 19.64 0.06 73.28 67.38 0.11 68.75
351 电流 Electric current 64.15 0.18 82.55 182.46 0.30 84.18
411 动物油脂 Animals oils and fats 20.17 0.06 89.27 20.95 0.03 84.98
421 不挥发蔬菜油,轻质油 Fixed veg fat and oil, "soft" 71.50 0.20 58.82 90.32 0.15 54.89
422 不挥发植物油,非轻质油 Fixed veg fat and oil, excluding "soft" 7.82 0.02 10.09 17.78 0.03 13.32
431 加工的动物、植物油 Procesd animl and veg oil, etc 22.61 0.06 48.10 25.50 0.04 45.98
511 烃类及衍生物 Hydrocarbons nes, derivatives 166.56 0.47 79.75 319.11 0.52 65.50
512 乙醇、苯酚 Alcohols, phenols, etc 95.00 0.27 69.73 157.23 0.26 50.35
513 羧酸 Carboxylic acids, etc 128.61 0.37 76.09 197.29 0.32 60.73
514 氮基化合物 Nitrogen-function compounds 160.57 0.46 85.16 254.14 0.41 75.16
515 有机—无机化合物 Organo-inorgan compounds, etc 240.24 0.68 89.69 691.70 1.12 87.09
516 其它有机化学品 Other organic chemicals 89.90 0.26 80.86 161.23 0.26 66.60
522 无机化学元素,氧化物 Inorg chem elmnt, oxides, etc 97.23 0.28 59.77 157.04 0.26 54.46
523 无机盐酸 Inorganic acid metal salt peroxy 54.00 0.15 71.53 75.46 0.12 61.79
524 其它无机化学材料 Other inorganic chemicals 22.55 0.06 72.13 38.89 0.06 58.76
525 放射性材料 Radioactive & associated materials 38.79 0.11 84.81 63.14 0.10 87.30
531 合成有机色料及天然染料 Synth dye, natrl indigo, lakes 77.50 0.22 78.69 68.43 0.11 66.12
532 染料 Dyeing and tanning extracts 5.45 0.02 64.02 8.55 0.01 60.80
533 颜料、油漆、清漆等 Pigments, paints, varnishes etc 167.91 0.48 83.80 318.97 0.52 82.45
541 医用制剂,不包括药品   Pharmaceuticals excluding medicines 229.59 0.65 87.07 594.78 0.97 89.67
542 药品,包括兽药 Medicines including veterinary 419.68 1.19 92.56 1945.83 3.16 94.96
551 精油,芳香及芬芳材料 Essential oils, perfume, etc 47.64 0.14 84.22 133.39 0.22 84.16
553 香水或梳洗用品,不含香皂   Perfume toilet cosmetics, excluding soap 166.65 0.47 88.84 363.00 0.59 83.47
554 肥皂、清洁及磨光用品 Soap, cleansing, etc preps 93.51 0.27 81.80 174.89 0.28 79.23
562 肥料制品 Fertilizers, manufactured 103.91 0.30 58.80 107.32 0.17 45.35
571 初级形态的乙烯聚合物 Primary form ethylene polymers 119.26 0.34 73.07 242.05 0.39 62.12
572 初级形态的苯乙烯聚合物 Primary form styrene polymers 62.80 0.18 56.85 85.34 0.14 44.96
573 氯乙烯聚合物 Vinyl chloride etc polymers 57.51 0.16 74.92 88.87 0.14 72.76
574 树脂和聚酯 Polyacetals and polyesters, etc 118.29 0.34 74.46 222.67 0.36 62.16
575 其它初级形态的塑料制品 Other plastics, in primary forms 257.10 0.73 86.42 511.56 0.83 78.48
579 塑胶废料 Plastic waste, parings and scrap 6.20 0.02 49.64 20.19 0.03 57.16
581 塑胶软管 Plastic tube pipe hose & fittings 46.39 0.13 84.86 95.61 0.16 81.80
582 塑料薄膜 Plastic sheet film foil & strips 245.59 0.70 83.57 446.15 0.72 78.50
583 塑料棒材 Plastic rod stick & profile shapes 14.09 0.04 95.56 32.54 0.05 90.42
591 消毒剂、杀虫剂 Pesticides, disinfectants 91.89 0.26 86.01 121.14 0.20 75.36
592 淀粉、菊粉及小麦麸质 Starch, inulin, gluten, etc 63.22 0.18 82.48 108.83 0.18 78.07
593 爆炸品 Explosives and pyrotechnic products 6.64 0.02 57.53 11.88 0.02 61.95
597 添加剂,如润滑剂、防冻液 Additive e.g. lubricate, antifreeze 66.28 0.19 90.99 96.52 0.16 86.46
598 杂项化学产品 Miscel chemical prdts nes 257.85 0.73 87.19 532.16 0.86 84.08
611 皮革 Leather 75.87 0.22 47.76 84.53 0.14 41.53
612 人造皮革 Leather manufactures nes 5.06 0.01 49.18 15.25 0.02 48.47
621 橡胶材料 Materials of rubber 57.78 0.16 87.74 105.81 0.17 81.59
625 橡胶轮胎 Rubber tyres,tubes, etc 176.92 0.50 76.23 283.97 0.46 65.69
629 橡胶制品 Articles of rubber nes 77.82 0.22 84.67 141.79 0.23 77.98
633 软木塞加工 Cork manufactures 9.50 0.03 96.85 13.79 0.02 93.11
634 胶合板及其它木料 Veneers, plywood, etc 89.89 0.26 52.38 185.75 0.30 63.26
635 木制成品 Wood manufactures nes 72.82 0.21 64.63 133.73 0.22 64.20
641 纸及纸板 Paper and paperboard 646.52 1.84 89.51 816.07 1.33 85.53
642 纸及纸板,切成一定尺寸 Paper and paperboard, cut 208.46 0.59 81.80 273.32 0.44 76.44
651 纺织纱 Textile yarn 162.41 0.46 48.92 171.46 0.28 42.08
652 棉织物 Cotton fabrics, woven 98.62 0.28 44.42 107.58 0.17 37.37
653 人造纺织原料的梭织物 Woven man-made fib fabric 155.93 0.44 43.71 121.61 0.20 37.73
654 其它纺织物 Other woven textile fabric 75.94 0.22 69.23 66.37 0.11 60.10
655 针织或钩织物 Knitted, etc, fabric 47.20 0.13 39.16 69.01 0.11 34.74
656 薄纱、丝带、边条料 Lace, ribbon, tulle, etc 26.04 0.07 57.39 34.86 0.06 42.62
657 特种纺织物及有关产品 Spec textile fabrics, products 139.81 0.40 66.25 195.79 0.32 66.39
658 纺织原料制成品 Textile articles nes 55.32 0.16 41.59 87.58 0.14 27.96
659 铺地制成品 Floor coverings, etc 64.98 0.18 68.26 71.57 0.12 61.93
661 石灰、水泥等建筑材料 Lime, cement and building prdts 72.77 0.21 66.00 86.89 0.14 46.16
662 黏土及耐火材料 Clay, refractory building prdts 95.09 0.27 87.56 120.40 0.20 70.41
663 矿物制成品 Mineral manufactures nes 113.32 0.32 86.61 172.67 0.28 81.37
664 玻璃 Glass 114.83 0.33 81.84 183.92 0.30 73.94
665 玻璃制成品 Glassware 80.26 0.23 79.24 121.10 0.20 70.21
666 陶器 Pottery 33.47 0.10 57.73 28.03 0.05 43.05
667 珍珠、宝石 Pearls, precious semiprecious stone 268.43 0.76 67.60 552.52 0.90 61.30
671 生铁 Pig iron, etc 29.08 0.08 27.75 66.15 0.11 25.94
672 铁或钢,成锭或其它初级形状 Iron, steel primary forms 57.51 0.16 45.21 107.98 0.18 37.91
673 铁或非合金钢制板材 Flat iron non-alloy steel products 233.18 0.66 65.21 349.23 0.57 53.46
674 铁或非合金钢平板轧材 Flat plated iron non-alloy steel 147.12 0.42 80.77 229.58 0.37 67.16
675 合金钢卷材 Flat rolled products of alloy steel 175.85 0.50 86.30 325.98 0.53 73.71
676 钢筋 Iron steel bar rod section piling 197.99 0.56 71.93 321.55 0.52 62.35
677 铁轨材料 iron steel rail railway materials 10.11 0.03 80.79 18.90 0.03 85.16
678 铁线、铜线 Wire of iron or steel 31.11 0.09 72.71 44.76 0.07 63.27
679 铁管、钢管 Iron steel pipe tube fittings etc 191.62 0.55 78.99 356.50 0.58 66.39
681 银、白金及其它白金族金属 Silver, platinum, etc 49.97 0.14 80.44 117.96 0.19 56.78
682 Copper 199.21 0.57 56.50 274.65 0.45 43.83
683 Nickel 35.48 0.10 68.98 86.02 0.14 63.50
684 Aluminium 326.84 0.93 71.82 497.37 0.81 66.37
685 Lead 9.20 0.03 63.64 16.12 0.03 57.30
686 Zinc 26.28 0.07 63.70 40.11 0.07 59.24
689 有色贱金属 Misc non-ferrous base metals 19.51 0.06 59.50 41.36 0.07 56.36
691 结构物及结构物部件 Structures and parts nes 106.18 0.30 77.36 187.48 0.30 70.38
692 储存或运输用的金属容器 Metal tanks, boxes, etc 57.40 0.16 82.18 83.46 0.14 75.26
693 绝缘线材 Wire products, non-electric 35.09 0.10 73.13 54.81 0.09 61.71
694 钉、螺丝、螺母、铆钉 Nails screws nuts bolts rivets 79.12 0.23 73.10 137.21 0.22 65.37
695 手用工具 Tools 138.71 0.39 79.67 214.46 0.35 71.22
696 (西餐的)刀叉餐具 Cutlery 23.77 0.07 57.02 36.26 0.06 50.32
697 贱金属制的家用设备 Base metal household equip 57.21 0.16 57.35 86.27 0.14 46.43
699 贱金属制成品 Base metal manufactures nes 320.91 0.91 76.69 622.14 1.01 69.49
711 蒸汽锅炉及配件 Steam boilers and auxil parts 27.03 0.08 87.36 28.10 0.05 72.52
712 水蒸汽轮机及配件 Steam engines, turbines 25.09 0.07 92.63 34.96 0.06 84.75
713 活塞內燃引擎 Intern combust piston engines 487.50 1.39 87.97 959.51 1.56 84.97
714 其它非电力引擎 Non-electric engines excluding 712 713 718 245.03 0.70 93.37 625.24 1.02 91.71
716 旋转式电力装置及其零件 Rotating electric plant 188.51 0.54 73.43 339.61 0.55 66.65
718 动力发动机械及其零件 Oth power generating machinery 46.37 0.13 89.10 93.77 0.15 82.48
721 农业机械 (拖拉机除外) Agricult machinry exc tractor 98.26 0.28 93.76 182.62 0.30 89.66
722 拖拉机 Tractors non-road 80.01 0.23 93.37 120.43 0.20 85.16
723 土木工程设备 Civil engineering equip, etc 259.67 0.74 87.62 549.47 0.89 79.64
724 纺织及皮革用机械,及其零件 Textile, leather machinery 211.99 0.60 83.94 180.90 0.29 71.75
725 纸厂及纸浆厂机械 Paper etc mill machinery 75.45 0.21 93.43 81.53 0.13 89.13
726 印刷及书本钉装机械及零件 Print and bookbind machy, parts 133.66 0.38 95.63 167.33 0.27 90.47
727 食品加工机器 (家用的除外) Food machinery, non-domestic 59.23 0.17 91.68 82.70 0.13 90.09
728 其它工业专用机器及设备 Oth machy for spec industries 536.71 1.53 89.25 807.44 1.31 83.23
731 材料去除机 Machine tools for material removal 142.46 0.41 87.42 221.13 0.36 81.94
733 金属工具 Metal work tool no material removal 60.22 0.17 86.23 69.59 0.11 78.07
735 机械零件 Machine part accessory for 731 733 60.51 0.17 92.80 96.84 0.16 83.32
737 金工机械,不含手用工具 Metalwork machinery nes excluding tools 90.22 0.26 89.61 125.55 0.20 79.18
741 加热及冷却设备 Heating, cooling equipment 313.20 0.89 81.76 479.69 0.78 70.56
742 液体泵 Pumps for liquids, etc 163.23 0.46 91.93 287.78 0.47 85.54
743 气泵,压缩机、风扇、过滤器 Gas pump, compressor, fan, filter 283.38 0.81 81.62 525.77 0.85 75.89
744 机械搬运设备 Mechanical handling equipment 249.39 0.71 88.80 438.76 0.71 84.92
745 其它非电动机械、工具 Non-electr machy, tools nes 201.09 0.57 92.12 331.37 0.54 84.46
746 滚柱轴承 Ball or roller bearings 99.72 0.28 81.97 148.29 0.24 75.70
747 管道、锅炉和排水系统 Pipe, boiler, tank & vat appliances 174.53 0.50 89.52 315.53 0.51 77.46
748 机械传动设备 Mechanical transmission equipment 133.48 0.38 90.53 248.64 0.40 84.60
749 机械的非电力零件及附件 Non-electr machy parts, acces 107.22 0.30 83.43 158.89 0.26 73.65
751 办公室机器 Office machines 113.58 0.32 71.03 78.36 0.13 52.08
752 电脑设备   Computer equipment nes 885.13 2.52 67.10 1161.29 1.89 43.01
759 办公室机器的零件及附件 Office, adp machy parts, acces 644.98 1.83 65.17 877.06 1.42 43.86
761 电视接收机 Television receivers 94.38 0.27 39.30 236.87 0.38 41.39
762 无线电广播接收机 Radio-broadcast receivers 65.52 0.19 29.14 64.12 0.10 34.57
763 录音机、留声机 Sound TV recorder or reproducer 98.05 0.28 45.66 252.65 0.41 40.65
764 电讯设备及零件 Telecom equip, parts, acces 829.86 2.36 68.21 1726.04 2.80 49.10
771 其它电力机械及其零件 Electric power machinery nes excluding 716 135.86 0.39 57.45 216.02 0.35 47.51
772 电路设备 Electrical circuit equipment 509.87 1.45 76.72 859.25 1.40 60.56
773 电力传输设备 Electricity distributing equip 200.81 0.57 67.31 342.97 0.56 56.60
774 电诊断器具 Electro-medical 119.90 0.34 96.54 234.94 0.38 91.02
775 家用设备 Household type equip nes 226.42 0.64 71.42 348.57 0.57 54.97
776 热离子管、冷阴极管 Transistors, valves, etc 1137.87 3.24 60.20 1516.42 2.46 41.56
778 电动机械及器具 Electrical machinery nes 580.27 1.65 72.20 855.89 1.39 58.11
781 载客的汽车和赛车 Passenger cars and race cars 2135.79 6.07 91.88 4217.47 6.85 86.95
782 货车和服务车 Goods and service vehicles 398.43 1.13 88.08 675.06 1.10 75.79
783 其它道路机动车辆 Road motor vehicles nes 155.72 0.44 92.65 247.94 0.40 82.69
784 汽车零件及附件 Motor vehicl parts, acces nes 1026.56 2.92 91.05 1879.16 3.05 80.81
785 电单车及脚踏车, Cycles, etc, motorized or not 113.85 0.32 61.81 196.01 0.32 60.54
786 拖车及大篷车 Trailer caravan transport container 62.84 0.18 63.82 139.18 0.23 61.12
791 铁路车辆及有关设备 Railway vehicles 63.04 0.18 89.16 126.89 0.21 79.19
792 航空器及有关设备 Aircraft, etc 639.59 1.82 93.74 1165.46 1.89 91.14
793 船、艇 Ships, boats, etc 263.65 0.75 71.90 362.31 0.59 53.01
811 预制式建筑物 Prefabricated buildings 25.04 0.07 92.53 43.71 0.07 82.56
812 卫生、管道及发热装备 Plumbg, heatg, lightg equip 47.22 0.13 87.04 86.83 0.14 77.25
813 照明器材 Lighting fixtures and fittings nes 61.77 0.18 62.79 101.54 0.16 53.57
821 家具及其零件 Furniture and parts thereof 345.64 0.98 76.45 601.30 0.98 61.87
831 旅行商品,手包 Travel goods, handbags, etc 47.42 0.13 31.63 91.78 0.15 38.41
841 男装(机织物) Male clothing, woven 128.88 0.37 34.89 158.84 0.26 30.99
842 女装(机织物) Female clothing, woven 141.54 0.40 38.24 193.11 0.31 30.21
843 男装针织衫 Male clothing, knitted crocheted 23.05 0.07 28.85 28.05 0.05 18.97
844 女装针织衫 Female clothing, knitted crocheted 48.35 0.14 35.93 62.13 0.10 24.01
845 服装 Articles of apparel nes 190.29 0.54 42.16 292.10 0.47 31.91
846 织物制的衣服配件 Clothing accessory 61.50 0.17 58.16 75.92 0.12 43.74
848 帽子头饰,织物制的除外 Headgear, non-textile clothing 36.93 0.11 29.03 58.57 0.10 27.92
851 鞋履 Footwear 196.51 0.56 41.84 257.47 0.42 37.89
871 光学仪器及器具 Optical instruments 39.48 0.11 70.59 106.48 0.17 23.82
872 医用仪器及用具 Medical instruments nes 166.86 0.47 87.43 430.57 0.70 82.12
873 计量器及计数器 Meters and counters nes 32.28 0.09 90.20 48.18 0.08 73.70
874 量度及控制的仪器及器具 Measuring, controlg instruments 485.37 1.38 92.12 930.92 1.51 84.28
881 摄影器具及设备 Photogr apparatus, equip nes 87.44 0.25 68.35 123.06 0.20 73.10
882 摄影或电影摄影用品 Photogr and cinema supplies 157.61 0.45 89.29 163.99 0.27 81.82
884 光学货品 Optical goods nes 78.83 0.22 77.74 207.67 0.34 68.10
885 钟表 Watches and clocks 119.75 0.34 52.29 152.47 0.25 60.77
891 军火 Arms and ammunition 74.47 0.21 95.37 63.47 0.10 86.12
892 印刷品 Printed matter 218.58 0.62 85.86 307.55 0.50 78.50
893 塑胶制成品 Articles of plastic nes 287.05 0.82 68.03 560.55 0.91 66.49
895 办公室及文具用品 Office supplies nes 49.84 0.14 71.34 65.82 0.11 62.93
896 艺术品、珍藏品及古董 Works of art, etc 61.51 0.17 94.88 133.85 0.22 92.04
894 婴儿车、婴儿玩具 Toys, sporting goods, etc 163.47 0.46 39.81 253.72 0.41 39.61
897 其它首饰 Jewellery nes 124.27 0.35 64.03 205.89 0.33 51.54
898 乐器及其零件及附件 Musical instruments and parts 236.94 0.67 78.79 341.44 0.55 68.14
899 机器制成品 Manufactured articles nes 106.48 0.30 53.63 305.87 0.50 69.12
931 杂项制品 Special transactions 1039.30 2.96 82.84 2377.62 3.86 69.42
971 非货币用黄金,金矿除外 Gold non-monetary excluding ores 145.44 0.41 67.15 182.86 0.30 49.70