14-2  分国别(地区)的国际收支(2006年)
Balance of Payments by Country or Area(2006)
Source: International Monetary Fund Database.
单位:亿美元         (100 million USD)
国家和地区 Country or Area                                                                       净误差与遗漏 储备和相关项目  
经常帐户 货物    Goods 服务 Services 货物和服务 收入  Income 货物、服务和 经常转移  Current Transfers 资本帐户     金融帐户 直接投资   FDI 证券投资    Portfolio Investment 金融衍生工具  Financial Derivatives 其他投资:资产         其他投资:债务          
  出口 进口 差额 贷方 借方 差额 贷方 借方 收入差额 贷方 借方 Capital 贷方 借方 Financial 国外 在报告经济体内 资产     负债     资产 负债 Other 货币当局 政府 银行 其他部门 Other 货币当局 政府 银行 其他部门 Net Errors Reserves and  
Current Account, n.i.e. Exports f.o.b. Imports f.o.b. Trade Balance Credit Debit Balance on Goods Credit Debit Balance on Goods, Credit Debit Account, Credit Debit Account, Direct Dir.Invest. Assets 股本证券 债务证券 Liabilities 股本证券 债务证券 Assets Liabilities  
and Services Services and Income n.i.e. n.i.e. Investment in Rep. Equity Debt Equity Debt Investment Money General Banks Other Sectors Investment Monetary General Banks Other and Omissions Related Items  
        Abroad Econ.,n.i.e.   Securities Securities   Securities Securities     Assets Authorities Government liab.,n.i.e.  Authorities  Government Sectors  
      China 2498.66 9696.82 -7519.36 2177.46 919.992 -1008.33 2089.12 512.40 -394.85 2206.67 315.78 -23.78 40.2 41.02 -0.82 60.16 -178.29 780.95 -1104.19 -14.54 -1089.65 428.61 428.61 -318.09 -35.27 30.49 -313.31 451.18 41.01 4.83 252.79 152.55 -130.48 -2468.55
 中国香港  Hong Kong, China 205.75 3176.00 -3316.34 -140.33 727.34 -365.60 221.40 827.92 -821.35 227.97 9.40 -31.61 -2.86 14.12 -16.97 -196.59 -434.58 428.91 -505.63 -220.69 -284.93 173.76 157.28 16.48 183.76 -133.73 -503.51 -629.89 126.38 594.44 502.22 92.22 53.86 -60.16
 孟加拉国  Bangladesh 11.96 115.54 -144.43 -28.90 13.34 -23.40 -38.96 1.77 -10.18 -47.37 59.41 -0.08 1.52 1.52 1.20 6.97 -0.03 -0.03 0.31 0.31 -13.53 -0.91 -12.62 7.48 0.59 6.02 0.72 0.14 -6.04 -8.65
 柬 埔 寨  Cambodia -3.37 36.93 -47.49 -10.56 12.96 -7.90 -5.50 0.90 -3.80 -8.40 5.27 -0.25 2.68 3.21 -0.53 3.24 -0.08 4.83 -0.12 -0.12 -5.40 -0.71 -1.40 -3.30 4.01 1.23 0.24 2.55 -0.46 -2.08
      India -94.15 1236.17 -1808.60 -572.43 753.54 -493.72 -312.61 77.95 -120.59 -355.25 274.49 -13.40 377.76 -96.70 174.53 95.49 95.49 -0.44 -0.36 -44.89 44.81 204.88 4.53 14.33 34.31 151.71 -46.23 -237.37
 印度尼西亚  Indonesia 99.37 1035.14 -738.68 296.46 115.18 -216.25 195.39 25.77 -170.42 50.74 60.79 -12.16 3.50 3.50 -13.77 -27.03 55.79 -19.33 -0.89 -18.44 60.58 18.98 41.61 -25.88 17.19 -10.02 -57.92 -60.84 4.13 -1.22 24.60 -113.70
 以 色 列  Israel 79.90 437.25 -469.58 -32.33 192.67 -149.34 11.00 79.21 -84.97 5.24 85.77 -11.11 9.04 9.04 -131.89 -143.99 143.02 -89.56 -51.65 -37.92 32.69 34.19 -1.50 -0.21 -101.12 2.06 -71.53 -31.65 27.29 -6.11 12.16 21.24 -1.40 44.35
      Japan 1705.17 6158.13 -5345.09 813.03 1172.98 -1355.56 630.46 1658.02 -476.47 1812.01 61.84 -168.68 -47.57 7.54 -55.11 -1023.43 -501.71 -67.84 -710.36 -250.37 -459.99 1985.56 714.37 1271.19 1434.81 -1410.26 -862.39 34.79 -74.99 -822.20 -891.24 -254.39 -488.33 -148.53 -314.37 -319.82
 哈萨克斯坦  Kazakhstan -17.97 387.62 -241.20 146.42 28.08 -87.20 87.30 14.41 -107.60 -5.90 9.04 -21.12 -90.45 -18.27 -72.18 47.23 27.97 19.26 -0.92 0.24 -86.17 -1.11 -2.13 -60.82 -22.12 217.47 -0.02 169.17 48.32 -23.97 -111.34
      Korea, Rep. 60.92 3318.45 -3026.31 292.14 518.73 -706.37 104.51 135.96 -141.34 99.12 93.37 -131.57 -30.33 2.81 -33.14 216.54 -71.26 36.45 -269.08 -152.01 -117.06 84.35 -84.16 168.51 43.31 -84.02 -87.59 -12.99 -3.90 -35.76 -34.95 564.38 15.96 -8.71 434.36 122.77 -26.24 -220.89
 马来西亚  Malaysia 254.88 1608.42 -1241.44 366.98 218.31 -237.20 348.09 84.63 -131.92 300.80 3.13 -49.04 -118.94 -60.43 60.64 -21.23 -18.90 -2.34 55.93 23.92 32.02 0.08 0.21 -85.31 -0.01 -42.91 -42.39 -68.83 -21.94 -36.13 -10.76 -67.31 -68.64
      Mongolia 1.09 15.45 -13.57 1.89 4.86 -5.23 1.51 0.17 -1.62 0.06 1.80 -0.77 1.81 3.44 -2.23 -0.01 0.61 0.63 0.01 -0.04 -0.08 -2.83
      Myanmar 8.02 45.55 -23.43 22.11 2.80 -5.63 19.28 0.98 -13.46 6.80 1.61 -0.39 1.53 1.53 1.20 6.97 -0.26 -0.08 -0.32 0.18 -0.04 -6.32 -4.23
 巴基斯坦  Pakistan -67.95 169.99 -267.01 -97.02 35.08 -84.11 -146.06 8.67 -39.96 -177.35 110.30 -0.90 3.47 3.53 -0.06 72.57 -1.10 42.73 -0.04 -0.04 19.75 11.52 8.23 -2.44 -0.02 -0.41 -2.01 13.67 9.25 -0.03 4.45 7.42 -15.51
 菲 律 宾  Philippines 50.22 461.58 -531.13 -69.55 54.03 -60.72 -76.24 43.90 -49.33 -81.67 135.12 -3.23 1.36 1.80 -0.44 -8.06 -1.03 23.45 -4.61 -0.49 -4.12 42.73 23.88 18.85 1.59 -2.97 -47.05 -21.63 -25.42 -20.17 -6.45 1.81 -9.32 -6.21 4.73 -48.25
 新 加 坡  Singapore 363.25 2749.71 -2302.26 447.45 590.74 -619.27 418.93 303.39 -345.23 377.08 1.44 -15.27 -2.26 -207.50 -86.30 241.90 -214.50 -119.93 -94.24 72.76 38.52 33.82 -493.68 -289.27 -205.18 272.28 215.79 57.61 16.63 -170.07
 斯里兰卡  Sri Lanka -14.34 68.83 -92.28 -23.45 16.25 -23.94 -31.14 3.12 -7.00 -35.02 23.26 -2.58 2.91 2.99 -0.08 6.87 -0.29 4.79 3.55 3.55 -3.04 -3.04 2.97 2.97 -1.11 0.12 -2.12 2.93 -2.03 -2.61 7.17
      Thailand 32.30 1282.12 -1134.00 148.13 241.30 -320.53 68.90 47.47 -117.75 -1.38 37.64 -3.96 78.74 -7.87 107.50 -15.64 -2.08 -13.56 57.71 53.00 4.72 -99.38 -0.11 -87.65 -11.63 36.42 -4.28 1.09 39.61 15.64 -126.69
      Egypt 26.35 205.46 -289.84 -84.38 161.35 -115.69 -38.73 25.60 -18.22 -31.34 59.33 -1.63 -0.36 0.05 -0.41 -2.97 -1.48 100.43 -7.03 -7.03 0.03 5.02 -4.99 -97.43 -1.00 -85.73 -10.70 2.52 0.03 -16.97 -3.00 22.46 6.34 -29.37
      South Africa -164.89 637.67 -699.42 -61.75 120.22 -142.91 -84.44 59.44 -112.38 -137.37 2.61 -30.13 0.30 0.43 -0.12 146.33 -64.96 -1.20 -20.21 -14.52 -5.69 218.14 149.59 68.55 -73.01 -2.10 -49.90 -21.01 87.58 -7.66 4.38 41.78 49.08 55.37 -37.11
 加 拿 大  Canada 207.97 4017.86 -3566.41 451.46 593.32 -726.49 318.29 543.44 -647.60 214.13 85.17 -91.33 37.02 42.89 -5.87 -192.15 -453.91 690.68 -694.05 -249.40 -444.65 286.75 95.01 191.75 -303.75 -2.81 -99.29 -201.65 282.12 -1.09 184.28 98.93 -44.58 -8.26
 墨 西 哥  Mexico -24.38 2499.97 -2561.30 -61.33 163.93 -228.33 -125.73 67.75 -200.61 -258.60 235.09 -0.88 -21.52 -57.59 192.22 12.96 28.05 -15.10 -119.13 -61.26 -57.87 -49.99 -14.97 -81.20 46.18 32.87 13.03
      United States -8114.86 10268.50 -18614.10 -8345.54 4188.48 -3428.17 -7585.24 6504.53 -6138.20 -7218.91 244.15 -1140.10 -39.15 11.96 -51.10 8308.08 -2353.59 1805.80 -4260.88 -1385.38 -2875.50 10174.40 1485.23 8689.20 287.62 -3961.04 53.46 -2973.61 -1040.89 6615.73 125.71 31.33 3169.82 3288.87 -178.00 23.92
 阿 根 廷  Argentina 79.98 464.56 -325.85 138.72 76.02 -85.36 129.38 53.57 -108.12 74.82 13.90 -8.73 0.96 1.06 -0.01 35.41 -20.73 54.91 -0.01 0.06 -0.07 65.33 6.62 58.71 -2.43 -38.47 -3.46 -5.05 -29.96 -23.19 -19.72 -14.38 -0.31 11.21 16.73 -133.09
     西  Brazil 132.76 1374.70 -913.55 461.15 194.60 -291.17 364.59 64.38 -339.27 89.70 48.47 -5.41 8.69 10.84 -2.15 154.58 -282.03 187.82 5.23 -9.15 14.38 90.51 77.16 13.35 4.82 -0.99 -88.98 0.02 0.17 -33.18 -55.99 238.20 -2.50 -3.84 34.26 210.29 9.68 -305.71
 委内瑞拉  Venezuela 271.67 652.10 -322.26 329.84 14.59 -57.18 287.25 75.32 -90.44 272.13 2.66 -3.12 195.28 -20.89 -5.43 -36.63 0.03 -36.66 -39.59 0.41 -40.00 -88.23 0.16 5.90 -2.86 -91.43 -4.51 -0.51 -0.26 3.25 -6.99 -29.64 -46.75
 白俄罗斯  Belarus -15.12 198.38 -222.37 -23.98 22.99 -14.87 -15.86 2.45 -3.52 -16.93 3.02 -1.20 0.71 1.61 -0.91 17.07 -0.03 3.54 0.06 -0.02 0.08 -0.25 -0.01 -0.24 -0.13 -1.37 -0.15 2.58 -3.79 15.25 0.03 5.37 9.84 -2.50 -0.16
      Czech Republic -45.86 951.19 -921.39 29.79 133.31 -118.01 45.10 53.81 -135.85 -36.95 29.11 -38.02 3.80 6.36 -2.55 50.72 -13.55 60.21 -30.04 -19.38 -10.66 18.77 2.68 16.08 -5.06 2.20 -16.86 2.17 5.23 -24.26 35.06 -1.72 4.29 7.98 24.51 -7.75 -0.92
      France -283.15 4831.12 -5208.06 -376.94 1184.78 -1079.95 -272.12 1861.63 -1597.12 -7.60 269.56 -545.11 -2.60 19.15 -21.74 881.00 -1164.09 810.45 -3385.91 -608.44 -2777.47 2658.47 742.20 1916.26 41.35 -1676.47 -4.97 -46.43 -1619.70 -5.37 3597.19 80.84 37.41 3285.03 193.91 -477.42 -117.83
      Germany 1507.45 11313.00 -9340.88 1972.16 1731.15 -2150.20 1553.11 2360.26 -2072.21 1841.15 251.52 -585.22 -2.60 39.71 -42.31 -1798.44 -789.49 434.10 -1990.86 -221.27 -1769.59 2009.20 467.18 1542.02 -77.37 -2526.89 291.25 10.37 -2564.59 -263.92 1142.86 -16.40 -1.11 726.36 434.01 257.07 36.52
 意 大 利  Italy -473.12 4170.54 -4287.44 -116.90 985.81 -1004.09 -135.19 723.50 -894.68 -306.37 220.21 -386.96 23.93 55.12 -31.19 435.98 -424.07 388.84 -485.03 -230.57 -254.46 1153.07 135.71 1017.36 -5.91 -1423.15 -187.35 -3.75 -588.69 -643.35 1232.23 -9.36 -3.82 1133.96 111.46 7.54 5.67
      Netherlands 577.23 3902.53 -3422.55 479.98 847.63 -791.47 536.14 1102.50 -941.26 697.38 123.41 -243.56 -19.03 31.53 -50.56 -534.89 -251.61 39.05 -499.67 -100.94 -398.74 623.57 201.77 421.80 1355.88 -1425.91 -1840.71 -6.93 12.49 -1777.09 -69.18 1464.51 -87.88 4.51 1556.35 -8.47 -15.03 -8.28
      Poland -110.84 1174.68 -1244.72 -70.04 205.84 -183.67 -47.87 41.47 -186.47 -192.87 127.85 -45.82 21.05 25.73 -4.68 121.11 -91.61 191.98 -45.50 -29.00 -16.50 15.43 -21.34 36.77 -7.57 -37.34 0.09 -0.30 -19.35 -17.78 95.72 -7.65 -11.91 55.89 59.39 -6.43 -24.89
 俄罗斯联邦  Russian Fed. 953.23 3039.26 -1646.92 1392.34 309.27 -447.39 1254.22 290.10 -575.73 968.60 64.03 -79.40 1.91 10.23 -8.32 59.25 -226.57 308.27 62.48 1.16 61.31 91.24 61.49 29.75 12.42 -13.42 -478.57 1.75 -14.47 -240.34 -225.52 303.40 -73.31 -270.53 482.72 164.52 60.27 -1074.66
 西 班 牙  Spain -1063.44 2164.83 -3172.12 -1007.29 1062.78 -783.15 -727.66 491.43 -755.97 -992.20 214.65 -285.90 78.31 96.61 -18.31 1025.82 -887.26 201.67 -99.78 -244.28 144.50 2407.16 -238.45 2645.61 25.86 -1019.55 -138.90 -3.61 -720.65 -156.37 397.71 -1.54 4.54 53.66 341.06 -34.90 -5.78
 土 耳 其  Turkey -327.74 919.37 -1331.75 -412.38 245.47 -111.86 -278.77 44.73 -110.57 -344.61 17.64 -0.77 457.94 -9.34 200.70 -40.29 -0.42 -39.87 114.02 19.39 94.63 -124.20 -110.13 -14.07 317.05 -9.86 -7.12 117.03 217.00 -23.99 -106.21
 乌 克 兰  Ukraine -16.17 389.49 -441.43 -51.94 112.90 -91.64 -30.68 13.32 -30.54 -47.90 35.33 -3.60 0.03 0.22 -0.19 40.85 1.33 56.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 35.86 3.22 32.64 -154.24 -1.11 -0.03 -10.98 -142.12 101.89 -0.16 -1.52 57.06 46.51 -0.62 -24.09
      United Kingdom -775.48 4494.83 -5923.85 -1429.01 2296.81 -1758.94 -891.14 4455.24 -4120.14 -556.05 296.72 -516.16 12.59 70.24 -57.65 490.12 -1286.76 1397.45 -3684.88 -370.71 -3314.17 2943.61 -84.43 3028.04 144.80 -7331.76 -19.47 -5331.31 -1980.98 8307.66 15.35 5967.42 2324.88 259.76 13.01
 澳大利亚  Australia -412.40 1249.13 -1345.09 -95.96 330.83 -322.50 -87.62 217.80 -539.10 -408.92 32.27 -35.75 14.58 24.67 -10.09 502.83 -226.49 258.74 -438.51 -221.38 -217.13 968.13 131.41 836.72 133.77 -109.25 -173.88 -5.49 -167.51 -0.87 90.32 0.18 58.99 31.15 -7.79 -97.22
 新 西 兰  New Zealand -93.73 224.90 -246.08 -21.18 78.68 -77.72 -20.22 14.40 -92.99 -98.82 12.91 -7.82 -2.17 6.50 -8.67 131.34 -12.03 80.65 -9.45 -6.47 -2.98 -4.70 -3.80 -0.90 -12.28 89.15 7.14 -42.58