Editorial Note
Editorial Board and Editorial Staff
New Statistical Yearbooks Published by China Statistics Press
China in the World
Ranking of China in the World in Terms of Main Indicators
Major Indicators as Percentage of the World for China
Ranking of China in the World in Terms of Major Agricultural Products
Ranking of China in the World in Terms of Major Industrial Products
Natural Resource and Environment
Country Area and Population Density
Land Utilization (2018)
Forest Area as Percentage of Land Area
Emissions of Carbon Dioxide
Particulate Matter Content (Diameter Less Than 2.5 Microns) in the Air
National Protected Areas and Threatened Species (2018)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
National Accounts
Gross Domestic Product (USD)
GDP per Capita
GNI per Capita
Main Economic Indicators of National Accounts Based on PPP (2019)
Growth Rate of GDP
Growth rate of GDP per capita
Capital Formation Rate
Household Final Consumption Rate
Composition of Gross Domestic Product by Industry
Gross Domestic Product by Production Approach
Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
Gross Domestic Product by Income Approach
Share of the Contributions of the Three Strata of Industry to the Increase of GDP
Share of the Contributions of Gross Capital Formation, Final Consumption Expenditure and External Balance on Goods and Services to the Increase of GDP
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Mid-year Population
Female Population as Percentage of Total
Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Population (2019)
Crude Birth Rate and Crude Death Rate
Reproductive Health (2018)
Infant Mortality Rate and Life Expectancy at Birth
Marriage Rate and Divorce Rate
Rural and Urban Population as Percentage of Total
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Employment and Earnings
Labor Force Participation Rate
Composition of Employment by Industry
Employment by Economic Activity
Unemployment Rate
Mean Nominal Monthly Earnings of Employees
GDP per Person Employed (constant 2017 PPP $)
GDP per Person Employed (constant 2010 US $)
Mean Nominal Hourly Labor Cost per Employee in Manufacturing
Labor Force as Percentage of Working-age Population with the Same Education
Unemployment as Percentage of Labor Force with the Same Education
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Investment Environment
Cost of Business Start-up
Ease of Doing Businesses Rank (2019)
New Businesses Registered
New Business Density
Domestic Credit to Private Sector as Percentage of GDP
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Main Oil Indicators
Energy Balance Sheet (2016)
Energy Use per Ten Thousand USD of GDP (constant 2017 PPP)
Net Installed Capacity of Electricity Generating Plants (2017)
Electricity Generation (2017)
Net Energy Imports as Percentage of Energy Use
World Energy Price
Alternative and Nuclear Energy as Percentage of Total Energy Use
Combustible Renewables and Waste as Percentage of Total Energy Use
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Government Finance and Banking
Central Government Revenue as Percentage of GDP
Revenue of Central Government
Expense of Central Government
Central Government Outlays by Function as Percentage of Total
Social Contributions as Percentage of Revenue
Goods and Services Tax as Percentage of Revenue
Income Tax as Percentage of Revenue
Surplus of Central Government Revenue as Percentage of GDP
Central Government Debt as Percentage of GDP
Broad Money
Broad Money (M2) as Percentage of GDP
Growth Rate of Broad Money
Annual Average Deposit Rate and Lending Rate
Bank Non-performing Loans as Percentage of Total
S&P Global Equity Indices (Annual Change)
Listed Domestic Companies and Market Capitalization of Listed Companies as Percentage of GDP
Stocks Traded Value as Percentage of GDP and Turnover Ratio of Stocks Traded
Bank Capital to Assets Ratio
Domestic Credit Provided by Financial Sector (% of GDP)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Price Indices
Gross Domestic Product Deflator
Producer Price Indices
Consumer Price Indices
Indices of Primary Commodities Market Prices and Unit Values
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Household Income and Expenditure and Poverty
Household Consumption Expenditure
Personal Income Distribution
Domestic Poverty Rate
International Poverty Ratio
Social Indicators of Poverty
Composition of Household Final Consumption Expenditure
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Agriculture Production Indices
Harvest Areas of Major Farm Crops (2019)
Production of Major Farm Crops
Output of Major Forest Products
Number of Livestock (2018)
Output of Livestock Products (2018)
Output of Total Fishes
Consumption of Fertilizers (2018)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Industry and Construction
Indices of Industrial Production by Country and Area
Indices of Manufacturing Production
Indices of Mining Production
Main Indicators of Manufacturing
Composition of Value Added in Manufacturing
Output of Major Industrial Products
Construction of New Buildings
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Transportation and Communication
Freight Ton-km and Passenger-km of Road
Railway Traffic
International Maritime Freight Loaded and Unloaded
Freight and Passengers Carried by Air
Vehicles in Use
Motor Fuel Prices
Container Port Traffic
Length of Road
Road Accidents
Road Expenditure
Telephone Mainlines and Mobile Phones
Individuals Using the Internet as Percentage of Population
Internet Servers
Broadband Subscribers
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
External Trade and Tourism
World Merchandise Imports and Exports
Merchandise Imports and Exports by Country or Area
Merchandise Exports
Merchandise Imports
Total of Service Imports and Exports by Country or Area
Commercial Service Exports
Commercial Service Imports
Indices of Export Unit Value and Import Unit Value
Exports and Imports of Goods and Services as Percentage of GDP
Exports by Commodity Groups (2019)
Imports by Commodity Groups (2019)
Imports and Exports of Agriculture Products
Exports by Destination (2019)
Imports by Origin (2019)
Exports of Services by Sector (2019)
Exchange Rate (Period Average)
Expenditures and Receipts of International Tourism
Number of Arrivals and Departures of International Tourism
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Balance of Payments and External Debts
Summary of International Transactions
Balance of Payments by Country or Area (2018)
Current Account Balance as Percentage of GDP
Foreign Direct Investment
Foreign Exchange and Gold Reserves
External Debts by Type (2019)
Risk Indicators on Foreign Debts (2019)
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Education, Science and Technology, Culture and Health
Adult Literacy Rate (As Percentage of People Ages 15 and Above)
Tertiary, Secondary and Primary School Enrollment Ratio
Expenditure per Student as Percentage of GDP per Capita
Research and Development Expenditure and Public Spending on Education as Percentage of GDP
Researchers and Technicians in R&&D (per Million People)
High-technology Exports as Percentage of Manufactured Exports
Patent Applications
Percentage of Population Using at least Basic Sanitation and Drinking Water Services
Health Expenditure as Percentage of GDP and Per Capita Health Expenditure
Physician and Hospital Bed per 1000 Persons
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Comprehensive Evaluation Indicators
Human Development Index (2019)
The Ranking of Globalization Index in 2020
The Ranking of the Global Competitiveness Index (2019)
The Ranking of Happiness Index in 2017-2019
The Ranking of Global Innovation Index (GII) in 2020
The 500 Largest Companies in the World Sorted by Revenue in 2019
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Appendix1 International Organizations and Abbreviations